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Feline Declaw Aftercare Tips

Whether you are considering having your cat declawed or already have an appointment scheduled, it is critical to understand the process of declawing and how to care for your cat after the procedures. Your cat will experience discomfort after the procedure and your cat's newly declawed paws must be cared for properly to prevent further injury and infection.

Here are a few simple tips to help you properly care for your cat after having them declawed.

Provide Your Cat a Place to Recover

Do not be alarmed if your cat hides or does not want to interact with you after the procedure. Instead, provide your cat with a safe, solitary place to heal and regain their strength. For example, allow your cat to remain in the corner of a spare bedroom or let your cat take over a guest bathroom. Provide your cat a comfortable spot to lie down, a litter box, and food and water bowl.

Give your cat small amounts of food and water in the hours after the procedure. However, your cat may be reluctant to eat for several hours after the surgery. Keep your cat's litter box clean because your cat will have trouble burying its feces with its sore, healing paws.

Examine Your Cat's Paws Daily

Your veterinarian will give you instructions on when and how to remove your cat's bandages. Once the bandages are removed, keep an eye on your cat's paws and watch for signs of infection and excessive bleeding. A small amount of bleeding after the bandages are removed is normal. However, if the bleeding is excessive or if your cat's paws become red, inflamed, or your cat has a fever, contact your veterinarian right away.

Give Your Cat Its Pain Medicine on a Precise Schedule

Finally, because your cat is in pain after the procedure, it is important to continue to provide your cat with its pain medication on a schedule. Your cat may be reluctant to take any pain medication, so it is up to you to find a way to provide the medication. For example, ask your veterinarian if an oral pill can be crushed and placed in your cat's food.

If you are giving your cat liquid medication from a syringe, you may need some help gently holding your cat while you carefully squirt the medication into the corner of your cat's mouth. Whatever method you choose, make sure your cat is as comfortable as possible and try not to cause any further injury to your cat's paws.

From giving your cat a place to hide and recover to watching for signs of infection, there are several things you need to do while caring for your cat after it is declawed.

For more information, contact a veterinary such as Animal House Veterinary Hospital