Your dog is going to pant here and there every single day, but when they are panting excessively, it may be an issue. Your dog may be panting to keep themselves cool, or they may be panting because they have a stomach issue. They may also be panting because they're running a fever. No matter what though, if they are panting and it's excessive, it needs to be investiga
Many dogs will vomit from time to time if they eat too fast or consume something that does not agree with their stomachs. In these situations, vomiting usually is not something to worry about and can successfully be managed at home. However, vomiting can sometimes indicate a more serious issue and needs to be addressed immediately. Here are a few signs that your dog's
Even though the words (squashed face, shortened muzzle) used to describe a dog's look might not sound pleasant, brachycephalic dogs are adorably cute. Brachycephalic dogs are not a specific breed — it's a term that covers a number of dogs whose facial features are noticeably compressed. This can include many types of spaniels and bulldogs, not to mention the pug. Whil